
Overwhelmed? Busy beyond belief? Running on empty? There’s no doubt, our world is tremendously complex often leaving us frazzled and exhausted. This fall, discover that rest, margin, focus, generosity, and joy are realities if we allow Jesus’ message to simplify our cluttered lives.

September 8 - "Why Simplicity is a Necessity"

Luke 12:13-34 (parable of the rich fool)
Identifying the causes of a cluttered life, the things that clutter it, and the need for simplicity in our lives.


September 15 - "Simplifying Our Schedules"

Ephesians 5:16 Luke 4:16 Matthew 5:37 Matthew 6:33
Creating healthy margin for greater intimacy with God and for serving others.


September 22 - "Simplifying our Stuff"

Philippians 4:12-13, Proverbs 3:9-10, James 1:17, Malachi 3:10
Learning how to manage our resources in ways that reflect God’s values.

September 29 - Pastor Brandon Vining

"Our Father's Love"

Jeremiah 9:23-24
Brandon is NorthPointe's Pastor of 514 Youth and 514 Kids.

October 6 - Scott Childs

"Adopt & Live"

John 8:31-36

Scott is Pastor of 514 Ministries, NorthPointe Community Church

October 13 - "Simplifying our Worship"

1 Kings 18
Recognizing the false gods we worship, and turning instead to the simple worship of the One True God. 


October 20 - "Simplifying our Church"

Hebrews 10:23-25, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 22:37-40
Rallying around the clear purposes that God has for his church and how Daybreak expresses these.