Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack


On July 27, 2019, Daybreak-ers participated with a group of 200 volunteers at the Berean Bible Church in Pottstown for two hours to pack meals for children in need.  The event is one of many such meal-packing events held across the country.  The sponsoring organization is "Feed My Starving Children", fmsc.org

Collectively, at the event, all of us (not just Daybreak) felt great about the results:

  • Packed 245 boxes 
  • Packed 52,000+ meals

...which feeds 144 children one meal each day for a year. 


Two more packing shifts were scheduled for the same day... imagine the impact on the children in need!

Praise God!

Check out more photos & videos of the event.


Thanks to everyone who helped! Next year’s date is July 25, 2020. We’ll be there! Save the date on your calendars.