Outreach Events 2015





Operation Christmas Child 2015





One small church in Royersford packs and sends 40 shoeboxes full of goodies to needy kids around the world this Christmas! That might seem kind of insignificant but catch this: this means that 40 children will also hear the Good News of Jesus shared with them by the good folks of Samaritan's Purse as part of Samaritan's Purse's Operation Christmas Child, transforming the lives of children and their families around the world!



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Donation to Mom's House, Phoenixville

Our Fall 2014 Women's Bible Study, led by Steph Courchesne, adopted Mom's House in Phoenixville for an Outreach project this winter.  Steph was pleased to deliver food, formula, baby food, diapers, wipes, gift cards and encouraging notes on February 25th.


"The staff at Mom's House was very grateful for this gift and considers it a blessing. Thank you, ladies, for giving to them and being Christ to these single moms!" - Steph Courchesne